"Beyond the Coachella Valley of
Guys & Dolls" 

"Artistically Yours, 
Lena Ingram"

by Philip Esteem
Pride Index


For myself and many youths like me, regardless of our gender identity and sexual orientation, dolls represented the epitome of beauty and possibilities that seemed just within our reach. The miniature version of me would be wholeheartedly embraced or transformed there into a dazzling character that had only existed in my head. A Miniseries Production transports it's adult viewers to such a world today. With great heart, style and a diverse cast of stunning dolls, A Miniseries Production never fails to inspire the dreamer within each of us through creative stories, entertaining performances and meticulous stop motion animation.

Will Dean {Storyteller/Writer}

Pure joy voicing on this fierce project, have a look and enjoy xx!

Susan Trishel Monson